Christ: An Example of Loving Service

Christ: An Example of Loving Service

John 13:1-17

John is the only Gospel writer that records the events of John 13-17. These events all take place in the “upper room” on the evening of the crucifixion within a six hour time frame.

Jesus knew  “his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father.” Jesus lived on a “heavenly timetable—

•2:4—”Mine hour is not yet come.”Foot_Washingpic

 •7:30—“…his hour was not yet come.”

 •8:20—“…his hour was not yet come.”

 •12:23—”The hour is come that the Son of man should be glorified.”

 •13:1—”Jesus knew that his hour was come…” [Your hour to depart out of this world will come also.]

 17:1—”Father, the hour is come…”

It is important to see how Jesus would spend His final hours with His disciples. In these intimate hours He would leave them with an example of LOVING SERVICE to follow…

I.   A love that is CONSTANT to the end (v. 1).

JESUS KNEW Judas was about to betray Him (v. 1, 11 cf. 18:4).

JESUS KNEW Peter would deny Him (13:38; Mk. 14:29-31).

JESUS KNEW the disciples were about to jump ship and forsake Him.

JESUS KNEW Thomas was going to doubt Him.

A. Sometimes, ignorance is a blessing in disguise. I would rather not know what people think about me.  I don’t  want  their feelings about me to affect how I feel about them.

We like to choose not only the place we want to serve, but also the people we want to serve! If some people knew that someone was about to betray them, or desert them in their hour of need, they would probably “unfriend” them!

But not Jesus. He knew full well that His friends were about to turn their backs on Him. Yet, He loved them anyway! Would you still love someone if you knew they were about to stab you in the back? Would you serve them and wash their feet?

B. This is an example Christ gave us to follow. Love your enemies. Aren’t you glad Jesus loved you despite how sinful you were? Aren’t you glad Jesus loved you when you were His enemy (Rom. 5:8-10— “But God commented his love toward us, in that while were yet sinners Christ died for us… For if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son…”)

II. A Love that CONDESCENDS to humble service (vs. 2-5).

  1. The POSTURE of washing feet. The only way you can wash another’s feet is to kneel. Christ took a humble posture to serve.
  2. The PERSON washing feet.
    1. Foot-washing was not a big deal in Bible days. It was a common act of courtesy. What made this a big deal was WHO WAS DOING THE FOOT-WASHING! Normally, the task of foot-washing was the job of the lowliest servant. (cf. Phil 2:5-8)
    2. Here is the Creator of the universe stooping to the filthiest and lowest part of human anatomy—smelly, nasty, dirty feet!.

Partial Sermon: CLICK HERE For full PDF

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