Christmas is About Easter

Christmas is About Easter

The Son of man came … to give his life a ransom for many.” —Matthew 20:28

When Joseph contemplated the pregnancy of his espoused wife, the angel told him the baby in Mary’s womb was conceived of the Holy Ghost and, “thou shall call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins(Mt. 1:21). The only way Jesus could save souls from sin was by shedding His precious blood and dying for us. The cradle was merely a necessary step towards the cross. He was born to die! This is the true meaning of Christmas!  Anyone without a true understanding of Christ’s ultimate purpose in His virgin birth will never fully appreciate the significance of this special occasion.

Whether Jesus was born on December 25th is not the issue. That is simply the date set aside by those who love God and understand what Jesus has done for them in which they can honor Christ’s coming into the world to redeem them.

Knowing this we can truly sing “Joy to the world the Lord is come!” MERRY CHRISTMAS! 

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