Christs Triumphal Entry

Christs Triumphal Entry

“Behold, Thy King!” – Christ’s Triumphal Entry

Matthew 21:1-9; Mark 11:1-10; Luke 19:29-44; John 12:12-19

One third of the Gospel accounts are devoted to the final days of Christ’s earthly ministry. [Baker’s Harmony of the Gospels, takes 108 pages to cover the first 331⁄2 years of Christ’s ministry. From Christ’s entrance into Jerusalem to His ascension back to heaven takes 69 pages.]

The final week of Christ’s life on earth (called the “Passion Week” or “Holy Week”) is bracketed by two Sundays: On the first Sunday we have Christ’s triumphal entrance into Jerusalem (called Palm Sunday). The following Sunday is Christ’s triumphant resurrection from the dead. Here are the main events in order:

  1. Christ enters Jerusalem to present Himself as King.
  2. Cleanses the Temple (2nd time) and denounces the Pharisees.
  3. Christ’s Olivet Discourse (Mt. 24-25).
  4. Jesus observes the Passover with His disciples (Mt. 26:17-25)
  5. Jesus institutes the Lord’s Supper (Mt. 26:26-30).
  6. Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane (Mt. 26:31-46)
  7. Christ’s betrayal and arrest.
  8. Falsely accused at the house of Caiaphas.
  9. Brought before Pilate and Herod.
  10. Crucifixion, burial, and resurrection.

In this message we will take a look at Christ entering Jerusalem to present Himself to Israel as their King.

Christ’s Triumphal Entry parallels His second coming (Rev. 19:11-12).

  1. His first coming He rode in on back of a lowly donkey— His second coming He rides a white horse.
  2. His first entry leads to His crucifixion—His second coming will end in His coronation.
  3. He received a crown of thorns His first coming— He wears crowns of gold in His second coming

All four Gospel writers record this event with a different emphasis:

  • Matthew (21:4-11) emphasizes the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9.
  • Mark (11:1-11) emphasizes the colt Jesus would ride in on.
  • Luke (19:29-44) emphasizes the praising of the people.
  • John (12:12-19) gives the details of the palm branches.

When I toured the Holy Land about 27 years ago, Brother Bill Tate, our tour guide, lead us down the exact route Christ took (Mt. Olives; down to the Garden of Gethsemane; across the Kidron Valley, up to the Eastern Gate).

I. The PREPARATION for His entrance (Luke 19:29-35).

A. The COMMAND (v. 30). It was a strange command.

  • The donkey did not belong to them.
  • If anyone asked what they were doing, they were to say, “Jesus needs it.”
  • God may ask you to do a strange thing.

B. The COMPLIANCE (v. 32).

1. Unnamed—We don’t know who they were. If you will serve the Lord, you must be willing to serve without attention, or who gets the credit. When you remember WHO you are serv- ing, nothing else matters!

  1. There was no asking, “Why?” or, “How long will it take?” It doesn’t matter where you’re asked to go or what you’re asked to do. To just report for duty and let Him tell you what He wants done.
  2. You must “GO” to FIND… You must LOOSE to lead.

C. The CONFIRMATION (v.32). Everything Jesus said was confirmed.

  1. What God says, will come to pass.
  2. Jesus prepared the disciples with the answer and prepared the colt’s owners to accept their answer. When God sends us, He will prepare us for the situation and the situation for us.

II. The PROPHECY of His entrance (Mt. 21:4-5 cf. Zech 9:9).

  • Zechariah 9:9 records the DETAILS of Christ’s entry.

    A. The MAJESTY of the King

    1. Just— When Jesus comes, He will set the world right.

    2. Lowly— He came the first time meek and lowly. When He comes again, He will come as Conquerer.

PARTIAL SERMON:  Click here for FULL PDF of Sermon

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