Christ’s Victory Over Calvary

Christ’s Victory Over Calvary

Colossians 2:12-15

Most sermons about the crucifixion of Christ focus on His sufferings as a man at Calvary. Indeed, no man suffered as much as Jesus did on the cross (Isa. 52:14). He took the suffering you and I deserved.

This morning I want us to focus on another side of Calvary—Not the sufferings of Christ on the cross, but Christ conquering on the cross. Some only see Christ as a victim hanging on the cross—I want you to see Christ as a Victor triumphing over the cross.

We must realize Christ was “God manifest in the flesh,” while on the cross. As “the Son of Man” Jesus suffered on the cross. But as “the Son of God,” He triumphed over the cross! As we read in Colossians 2:14-15– Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, TRIUMPHING OVER THEM IN IT.

Jesus was not killed by the Romans, or the Jews, or Satan—Jesus went to Calvary as the Conquerer over death, hell, and the grave.

I. The ARREST He allowed before His death (John 18:1-6).

A.  Jesus allowed Himself to be arrested. If Jesus were trying to avoid death, Jesus could have left the soldiers laying on the ground and walked away.

1.  They could not have bound Him if He did not allow it.

2.  They could not have lead Him to the High Priest if He did not go willingly. They didn’t have to drag Him away kicking and screaming. He went voluntarily. He was showing He was in control. They had no power over Him.

B.  If Jesus did not want to die, He could have prevented it (Mt. 26:53-54). Jesus could have called 72,000 angels to His rescue. In Isaiah 37, one angel killed 185,000 men of Sennacherib’s army. What could 72,000 angels do? They could kill 13.3 billion men—That is about how many have lived from Adam until today!

II. The AUTHORITY He had over death (Eccl. 8:8 cf. John 10:17).

— Death has authority over man, but God has authority over death.

A. A normal human being has no power over death. You have no control over your death until God permits you to die. You cannot will yourself to die if it is not God’s time for you to die (Rev. 9:6).

The National Institute of Mental Health reports there for every one suicide, there are eleven non-fatal attempts. 92-95% of suicide attempts end with the person surviving—many living with serious injuries.1

  1. Luke 23:46—Anyone who attempts to take their own life, must do it with a gun, or a knife, or pills, or poison, or a rope, or jump off a tall structure. Why? Because they do not have the power to dismiss their spirit from their body. But Jesus did, because He has authority over death!
  2. Neither do you have power to continue living when it is your time to die. David recognized his times were in the hand of the Lord (Ps. 31:15). There is a day when you are appointed to die (1 Sam. 26:10–“…his day shall come to die…” Job 14:5 — “Seeing his days are determined, the number of his months are with thee…” cf. 2 Sam. 7:12).

B.  John 10:17—The fact that Jesus would die of His own power proves He is not an ordinary man.

•He has power over death, but death has no power of Him.

Partial Sermon: CLICK HERE for full PDF

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