Church Membership

Church Membership

From whom the whole body fitly JOINED together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. —Ephesians 4:16

Recently I’ve been pondering the importance of church membership. Regrettably, many fail to see the importance of church membership. To many, it is no different than being a member of some club or secular organization. Church membership is similar to a marriage—It involves a commitment. That is a good analogy. A couple’s marriage has a better chance of survival when they see the importance of their union to each other. Pre-marital counseling is all about attaching importance to the institution of marriage.

A periodical “New Member Class” will accomplish for church membership what pre-marital counseling does for a marriage. It will …

  1. Give the new member an understanding into the history, beliefs, purpose, ministries, and organization of the church.
  2. Build creditability into it’s ministry.
  3. Show prospective members how church membership will be beneficial to their spiritual walk.
  4. Help each new member discover where they “fit” in ministry.
  5. Attach importance to being a member.
  6. Reduce the number church member absentees, drop-outs, and non-commitment.

Jesus said that we need to put our light on a candlestick (Mt. 5:14-15), and that candlestick is a picture of a local church (see Rev. 1:20).

Yes, church membership is important. After Paul was saved and baptized “he assayed to JOIN himself to the disciples” (Acts 9:26). Have you joined a local church?

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