Collateral Damage

Collateral Damage

Draw me not away with the wicked, and with the workers of iniquity… —Psalm 28:5

     “Collateral damage” is when innocent people are unintentionally harmed while executing judgment against those deserving of punishment.  Examples of collateral damage are often observed in airstrikes against enemies occupying areas also occupied by civilians during times of war.

David’s prayer in our text was that he might not become “collateral damage” when God executes judgment against the wicked. David knew that when God’s people get carried away in sin, God would correct the entire nation sooner or later. He prays that not too many innocent people (himself included) would be drawn away in their judgment.

National disasters, wars, famines, pestilences, and plagues are no respecter of persons, and are allowed by God for judgment against a nation. However, when a nation, city, or even a family is judged, often innocent people also suffer.  When Achan stole “the accused thing” from Jericho, thirty-six innocent people died at Ai as collateral damage in God’s judgment (Joshua 7).  When David sinned in numbering the people of Israel, God sent a plague and 70,000 innocent people suffered as “collateral damage” (2 Sam. 24).

Consider this—A couple gets a divorce. The children of that marriage often suffer as collateral damage.  Or a son or daughter gets involved in sin (drugs, promiscuity, gangs), and the parents suffer collateral damage from their actions.  A church member sins and when God corrects that church there will be others in the church who will bear some of the collective suffering who were not at fault.

Beware: Your sin will result in collateral damage. Your sin will bring suffering to innocent people around you.  Think of them, before you sin.

Perhaps you are a victim of “collateral damage.” You may be innocently suffering because of the sin of someone else—A spouse, child, church member, or national sin).  About the only thing you can do is pray that the guilty will repent.

4 Replies to “Collateral Damage”

  1. Both my wife & I woke this morning with the same word Collateral Damage…death or damage unintended. The church has practiced this for years taking folks gifts and talents until they are burnt and released only to slot another gifted person into a position. Usually this is due to poor leadership and bad mind sets on our part.
    A revolution is needed need to have a clear understanding of who God is and His intent. We should grow in relationship with Him instead of knowledge about Him.

  2. Dear Br. Al,
    That was a very good thought you shared on “Collateral Damage”. I will be sharing it with my church who are on email. I have always been blessed by the material you have shared on the pastorsmail form. The Lord richly bless you is my prayer!

    Yours Because of Calvary,
    Br. Greg Alford

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