Components of Communication

Components of Communication

Speaking the truth in love… —Ephesians 4:15

Every time we communicate verbally it involves two components: Data and art. Data is the basic content of the message I’m trying to express. Art involves how I express it. Art is the style in which my communication is made—My choice of words, phrasing, timing, and the tone I employ. For example, Patrick Henry is known for saying, “I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death.” Great truth spoken artfully. His words would not have had the same impact if he said, “I don’t care what the rest of you do, but I’m throwing in my lot with the revolution.” In the age in which we live, people are more influenced by the style of our speaking than by the truth of what we are saying.

Today’s text tells us to speak “the truth” (data) “in love” (art). It isn’t enough just to speak the Gospel. We must communicate the Gospel (data) and “package” it in love (art).

May God give us wisdom not only to say the right thing, but also how we say it.

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