Conception of Christ

Conception of Christ

Luke 1:26-38

The angel Gabriel was dispatched to earth with two messages: One to an elderly priest named Zacharias. The other to a young virgin peasant named Mary. Both were prophetic birth announcements… Both would be miracle births… Both would involve the births of two baby boys.

One would be John the Baptist, the forerunner of the Messiah. The other would be his cousin, Jesus, the Messiah Himself.

In this message I want us to consider Gabriel’s announcement to Mary. This announcement would affect the world forever.

I. The SALUTATION to Mary (vs. 26-30).

There is a tendency among Baptists and Protestants to down play the role of Mary. But, let’s face it: The Bible says she was “highly favored” (v. 28). I’m talking about the Mary of the Bible—Not the Mary of Roman Catholicism. The Mary of the Bible was blessed among women, but not above women (v. 42).

Mary is no mediator between God and man. We don’t pray to her when we can go directly to God. Mary was a sinner (cf. 2:22-24; Lev. 12:2-8) and needed a Savior like all of us (see 1:47).

She was probably about 16 years old and already espoused / engaged to Joseph.

  1. Mary’s DOMAIN (v.26). The only thing good about Nazareth was the presence of Jesus there for about 30 years. Likewise, any goodness we have is due to Jesus’ presence in our lives.
  2. Mary’s DEVOTION— She was attentive to the message of God. She knew the Scriptures quoting the O.T. several times in her praise (vs. 46-55).
  3. Mary’s DIGNITY (Luke1:27-28).Called a virgin twice. [30%-40% teen girls lose their virginity before 17 years old.]

a.  Mary remained chaste in a corrupt city. Nazareth was known for it’s wickedness/promiscuity. “Can any good thing come from Nazareth?” (Las Vegas / Hollywood)
b. Mary and Joseph refused to allow their environment to define who they were. Some use their environment as excuse for sin in their life. You can live a morally pure life in today’s immoral society. You can rise above your circumstances.

ILLUS: Boiling a carrot… egg… ground coffee in water. The hard carrot was softened by it’s environment. The egg was hardened. However, the coffee changed it’s environment into a rich and flavorful beverage.

4. Mary’s DILEMMA (v. 34).

Her life is suddenly turned upside down.

1. Her FAVOR. Mary was given the greatest honor ever afforded to a woman—To be the mother of the Savior of the world.

2. Her FEAR. With that honor came a tremendous social stigma—That of being an unwed mother.

Mary is called to bear shame and suffer reproach for the glory of God (cf. Acts 5:41; 1Tim. 4:10; Heb. 13:13).

II. The SON of Mary (vs. 31-37).

A. His SUPERNATURAL conception (v.31 — “Thou shalt conceive in thy womb” — cf. vs. 34-35).

PARTAL SERMON:  see PDF for full sermon

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