Unbroken Communication With God

Unbroken Communication With God

Unbroken Communication With God

Continuing instant in prayer.” —Romans 12:12

Last week Barb and I took a leisurely walk around our neighborhood. As we walked hand-in-hand we conversed casually.  I believe walking with God is like that.  As we walk with Him, we converse with Him. We talk with Him as our closest friend as we go about our day.  The Lord and Moses communicatedface to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend(Ex. 33:11).

Paul exhorts us Pray without ceasing.”  Throughout your day talk with God about all that is in your heart as you would unload your heart with its joys and griefs to a dear friend.

Tell Him your troubles, that He might comfort you… tell Him your desires, that He might purify them… tell Him your complaints that He might sanctify them… tell Him your weaknesses that He might strengthen them… talk to Him about your temptations that He might shield you from them… bring to Him your hurts that He might heal them.

No subject is off limits in your conversing with God.  Talk to Him about EVERYTHING (Phil. 4:6). Leave nothing out! Withhold no secret from Him since He knows you inside and out anyway. It is better to bring it out in the open and honestly talk with God about it than harbor it in some dark region of your heart. Friends who have no secrets from each other never lack for things to talk about. They do not guard their words, for there is nothing to be held back. They speak out of the abundance of their heart, without worrying about how it might be received knowing their friendship is secure.

Communication is the “life blood” of any relationship.  When the communication is restricted, like blood being restricted from one of our members, that relationship will become numb and will eventually die if blood flow is not restored. Therefore, maintain an open line of communication between you and the Lord 24/7.

Blessed are they who walk in such familiar, unreserved, unbroken  communication with God as friend with friend.

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