Delayed Answers

Delayed Answers

Delayed Answers

I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. —Psalm 40:1

It seems now-a-days we cannot get our answers fast enough.  We send an email to someone, but when the answer doesn’t come immediately, we try to text them. If we still don’t get an instant reply we phone them on their cell.  Likewise, we sometimes get frustrated when the Lord doesn’t answer our prayers quickly.

We are like David praying in Psalm 143:7, “Hear me speedily, O LORD.”  I can assure you that the Lord does HEAR us when we call, but the answer may come sometime later.  As David learned in our text, God hears our cry, but we need to wait patiently for the Lord’s answer.

Waiting on the Lord helps us to grow in faith and trusting God’s wisdom in the timing of our answer (Ps. 27:14). As James 1:3-4 teaches, “the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, WANTING NOTHING.”

God sometimes lengthens the time before answering our prayer to stretch our faith and enlarge our soul.

2 Replies to “Delayed Answers”

  1. Aaah, the “waiting game” as they say. Waiting on God, waiting for God: God never disappoints It’s in the hospital “waiting” room that we cry out to God. Waiting always improves my prayer life.

  2. This passage always reminds me of Daniel praying and the angel told him he started to go to Daniel when he prayed, but he was hindered by opposing spirits in a battle. Sometimes the answer is on the way, but Satan delays the answer, not God.

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