Ditch Diggers

Ditch Diggers

Thus saith the LORD, Make this valley full of ditches. For thus saith the LORD, Ye shall not see wind, neither shall ye see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, that ye may drink, both ye, and your cattle, and your beasts. —2 Kings 3:16-17

The armies of Israel were in a dry and desert place without water. A battle with the Moabites loomed ahead.  They would not survive without water.  God instructed them to dig ditches and He would fill them with water. The ditches would serve a two-fold purpose: (1) Provide water for refreshment and (2) give them victory in the battle ahead.

Digging the ditches required two things: They had (1) to have faith to obey, and (2) they had to work to dig—Faith and works! The ditches would not dig themselves.  No digging—No water!  No digging—No victory.

We live in a world that is spiritually dry and desolate.  The Word of God is liken to water (Eph. 5:26).  Without the water of God’s Word we will “dry up” spiritually.  God’s Word can provide “water” in our dry situations.  But as the Israelites had to dig ditches to receive the water, we must “dig ditches” to receive God’s Word in our dry circumstance.

Your personal devotions are times when you are “digging a ditch” for God to fill.  Like digging ditches, Bible study, prayer, and ministry can be hard work.  As you dig, the ditch looks empty.  By faith, keep digging trusting God to send the water.  Eventually God will fill your ditch with the water you need in the desert of your circumstance.

Are you in a crisis that has left you spiritually dry and thirsty? Are you facing a spiritual battle?  Then get DIGGING!  God will send the water of His Word if you will dig.  Don’t just scratch the surface. The water you need is there if you dig deep enough.

The Israelites were to fill the valley with ditches. The more ditches they dug (the more obedience), the greater the blessing!  As Matthew Henry says, “They that expect God’s blessings must prepare room for them.”

2 Replies to “Ditch Diggers”

  1. Thank you Jesus! I’m going to get to digging this is exactly what I needed to read today thank you Preacher

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