Elements of Effective Praying

Elements of Effective Praying

Read: Isaiah 37:3-4, 15-20

A comparison of Hezekiah’s two prayers in Isaiah 37 teach us four elements of effective praying. Notice the shift in Hezekiah’s first prayer (37:3-4) to his second prayer (37:15-20).

  1. Exalt the Character of God. Hezekiah’s prayer turned from the his crisisto God’s character. It is always best to begin your prayer by praising God’s character, notby pleading your need.
  2. Express your Confidence in God. Hezekiah’s first prayer was about his troubles. But he makes no mention of trouble in his second prayer—His second prayer was about his trust.
  3. Explain your Concern for God’s honor. Hezekiah was more concerned about God’s character than his current condition. God’s reputation took precedence over his rescue.
  4. Entrust your Circumstance to God(v. 20). Make your request known unto God—“SAVE US.”

Hezekiah’s prayer ends where it began—The exaltation of God (v. 16—“…thou are THE God, even thou alone” — v. 20—“…thou art the Lord, even thou only.”)

[NOTE: This devotion is an excerpt from my Insights In Isaiah series. To see the entire lesson on Isaiah 37 go to this LINK: 37- Dealing with the Enemy (Isa. 36-37) ]

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