Encouraging Yourself

But David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.” —1 Samuel 30:6

Sometimes you are down and need encouragement, but there is no one to encourage you. You need to do what David did when everyone was turning against him and he was distressed. He ENCOURAGED HIMSELF in the Lord!

How do you encourage yourself in God?  All the encouragement you need is found in the pages of your Bible.  Try this: Find an uplifting passage of Scripture and pray it through to yourself and meditate on it phrase by phrase (such as Psalm 100 or Philippians 4:6-8).

For example, 2 Corinthians 9:8— God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.”  Now, pray it through one phrase at a time to yourself, like this:

  • “God is able…” [no problem I am facing is too hard for God!]
  • “…to make all grace…” [that’s a whole lot of grace!]
  • “…abound toward you…” [“abound” means overflow—more than I need]
  • “…always having all sufficiency…” [that’s a lot of sufficiency that is always available!]
  • “…in all things…” [ALL things, not just somethings! That includes whatever trial I am facing]
  • “… may abound…” [overflowing—have more than enough]
  • “… to every good work.” [that includes whatever your employment requires you to do].

Wow! I’m encouraged already! Thank you, Lord!

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