Evil Surmisings

Evil Surmisings

Evil Surmisings

He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, EVIL SURMISINGS.” —1 Timothy 6:4

Pride is so subtle. A person can be proud and not realize it (Obadiah 3-4).  The presence of pride may be detected when there is contention (Prov. 13:10).  Notice the words strife… envy… railings,” in our text coming from one who is proud.

Pride also produces “evil surmisings,” which also leads to contention. Webster’s 1828 Dictionary says to surmise is “to suspect; to imagine without certain knowledge.”  Our text says the surmiser really knows nothing for sure, but dotes about questions.  “Evil surmising” entertains evil thoughts that something wrong exists with no verifiable proof to confirm it.  For example: To suspect someone is engaged in sinful conduct without having any factual knowledge that it is true is evil surmisings.”

Satan seeks to lead people to jump to conclusions without having all the facts and provoke evil surmisings in their minds (Prov. 18:13).  He insinuated to Eve that God was holding out on her (Gen. 3:1-5). This created evil surmisings in Eve’s mind about the forbidden fruit.

Another factor that contributes to a lack of trust in others is surmising  that others may be like you. Because you may be prone towards a certain sin, you feel someone else is inclined the same way.  If you are suspicious someone is lying, but have no verifiable evidence to prove it, it may be because you unconsciously think you would also lie under similar circumstances. Therefore, you distrust that person’s honesty.

King Saul was notorious for this when he surmised that David was out to steal his throne.  Therefore Saul could not trust David even though David was completely innocent of any rebellion. Because Saul was a rebel (1 Sam. 15:23), he suspected David was also a rebel.

The same would be true in cases involving sexual impurity.  When a person has impure thoughts or lust, most likely they will think others also have that same weakness (Prov. 23:7).  I’ve observed through the years that many preachers who have fallen into sexual sin, were the same ones who seemed fixated on preaching against sins of adultery, fornication, or lust.

Usually those prone to gossip are the biggest offenders concerning this sin, because they are trying to deflect attention from themselves to the sins of others.

Evil surmisings,” also indicate a lack of charity. Charity… thinketh no evil… but rejoiceth in the truth.”  When a person truly loves someone, they won’t have evil thoughts about them. They will think the best of them and give them the benefit of the doubt.

No one can be happy with a suspicious mind. Instead of thinking evil thoughts about someone, try sincerely loving them and trusting them.  They probably are not as evil as you may think.

Practicing Philippians 4:8 would cure all evil surmisings.”

4 Replies to “Evil Surmisings”

  1. Thank you for rending my heart with the sword of the Spirit. This has richly blessed me in a way I thoroughly needed.

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