Faith for the Future

Faith for the Future

Hebrews 11:1, 20-22

The man of faith is a man of VISION. Faith is a vision of the FUTURE. It concerns “things hoped for” (v. 1) and “things to come” (v. 20). Faith “sees” the future and brings what it “sees” into the present (v. 13).

Shakespeare called the future, “the undiscovered country.” However, for a Bible believer, the future is not undiscovered, only unexperienced.

Faith is based on God’s promises (vs. 9, 11, 13, 17, 33, 39). All promises await a future fulfillment.

Our faith in the future is demonstrated by our actions in the present. What you do today is determined by—

(1) Decisions you have made in the past and,

(2) WHAT YOU BELIEVE ABOUT THE FUTURE. If you believe it is going rain, you will carry your umbrella with you.

For example, consider SALVATION.

The Bible says there is coming a future judgment — HELL.

I trust Jesus’ finished work on the cross to save me from hell.

Now I have an eternal home in HEAVEN.

Our stewardship theme this year is “Investing in the Future”—We have a vision of the future for Bible Baptist Church and by faith we invest in it.

Faith for the future is illustrated in the lives of Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. Their actions in the present revealed their confidence in the future.

I. ISAAC blessed his children (v. 20 cf. Gen. 28:1-4)

A. The “things to come… “for your children will be determined by your “blessing” upon them now.

HOW DO YOU “BLESS” YOUR CHILDREN? “Blessing” is how you prepare them for their future.

1.  Teach them RESPONSIBILITY (instead of rights).

a.  Make them responsible for their present actions. You are not helping your children when you continually bail them out of trouble or excuse their bad behavior.

b.  If you remove the painful consequences that come from wrong behavior, there is no motivation to deter your children from doing the same thing again.

2.  Teach them CHARACTER. Leaving your children a large financial inheritance is not as important as leaving them a heritage of character. If they have character, they will not need a financial inheritance. Without character, they would waste any financial inheritance left to them (Eccl. 2:18-19)!

  • Work ethics
  •  Obedience
  • Authority
  • Honesty

3.  Teach them skills (balance a checkbook; live by a budget)

4.  Teach them salvation (2 Tim. 1:5; 3:15).

B. Give your children a good example to follow.

Partial Sermon: CLICK HERE For full PDF

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