Fielding Your Position

Fielding Your Position

Fielding Your Position

God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him. —1 Corinthians 12:18

When you play on a team, it is important to know the perimeters of your position.  You cannot be everywhere and play everyone else’s position.  If you’re a second baseman, you cannot also play catcher or pitcher at the same time.

I read the following humorous incident that a T-ball coach had with a group of five and six year old players.  The baseball was placed on the rubber tee and the first batter hit the ball into the outfield.  Suddenly every player from every position ran to get the ball instead of staying at their field position.  When one of them finally reached the ball, there was nobody left in the infield for him to throw it to!

Church work is teamwork. We all cannot be S.S. teachers, choir members, ushers, or pastors.  But God has given each of us a spiritual gift and position in the body of Christ.  For the body to be most effective, we must know our gifts and where we “fit” in the work of Christ.

Find your position in ministry and serve faithfully there until the Lord moves you into another position. If you are not in your position, there will be a whole in the work of God.

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