For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to FINISH it? —Luke 14:28

My daughter Alice buys old used furniture at a very low price. Then restores them like new and sells them at a good profit. She loves doing it, but the part she likes least is “finishing” the surface of the wood—The sanding, staining, and waxing.  She would have a hard times getting a good price for these items if they were not finished.

unfinished house1Likewise, when most people who want to buy a house, are not looking for an unfinished house (see picture).

Our text is talking about counting the cost of following Him as His disciple. Some people start out to follow Jesus, but quit when the cost gets too high. They never finish the course.

Luke 14:26-30 teaches to finish will require discipline (vs. 26-27); desire (v. 28–“…intending to build…”); determining (v. 28–“…counteth the cost…”).  To stop short of finishing will bring disappointment (v. 29–“…not able to finish it…”) and derision (vs. 29-30–“…to mock him.”).

Make up your mind that you will follow Jesus no matter what it may cost you. Whatever the cost, it will be worth it.

One Reply to “FINISHING”

  1. One of the most neglected aspects of the Great Commission is following up with discipleship. The following is personal note to you…

    Do you have a regular email? I have something I want to send you. If so, please send it to me at [email protected]

    May the Lord greatly use you in the publishing and preaching of the Word of God and the God of the Word, the Savior Lord Jesus Christ.

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