Following Jesus Through The Storm

Following Jesus Through The Storm

Mk. 4:35-41 (cf. Mt. 8:19-27; Luke 8:22-25)

Jesus spent the day teaching the multitude by the Sea of Galilee (vs. 1-2). He taught them several lessons using parables (vs. 33-35).

At the end of this day Jesus calls His disciples with Him to pass over to the other side of Galilee.

A great storm blows in (v. 37). Matthew 8:24 calls the storm a “tempest.” The word “tempest” is translated from the Greek word “seismos.” Our word “seismology” is from this word—the study of earthquakes. This was a powerful storm.

Life is full of storms—Physical storms (health, financial, relational) and spiritual storms. Spiritual storms are more difficult than physical storms. Physical storms can often be prepared for through forewarning. Spiritual storms come with no warning, leaving no time to prepare.

Four things that will help you get through whatever storm you face:

I.  Recognize the PURPOSE of Jesus.

  • The disciples were doing exactly what Jesus told them to do (v. 35). Being in the will of God, does not exempt you from storms.
  • Jesus KNEW the storm would come. He could have prevented it. •Storms are not an accident, but there is a purpose in the storm.
  • They weren’t the only ones in the storm (v. 36b)—You’re not the only one who experiences storms.

A. The CONTEXT of the storm—Jesus just concluded teaching a series of parables illustrating the importance and power of the Word of God.

  1. The Sower who sowed seed—The seed is the Word of God.
  2. The Candlestick (v.21)—A type of the light of God’s Word.
  3. The Mustard seed (vs.30-32). A type of faith that comes by the Word of God.

B. The TEST of the storm. After a teacher finishes teaching a lesson, he usually gives his class a TEST to see if they learned the lesson.

1. It was as though Jesus was saying to His disciples, “Put away your books; clear your desks… It’s time for a test.”

II. Remember the PROMISES of Jesus (v. 35).

Partial Sermon:  CLICK HERE for full PDF 

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