Formula for Loving Jesus More
Luke 7:30-50 (text: v. 47)
Most of us would admit we do not love Jesus enough.
- What makes the difference in how much we love Jesus?
- Why does it seem some people love Jesus more than others?
- Luke 7:30-50 gives us a clue
In our text we see:
A Sinner (v. 37). Although her sin is not specifically mentioned, it is likely she had the reputation of being morally loose—Prostitute, an adulterer or fornicator, living with her boyfriend but not married.
- A Savior
- A Skeptic
- A Story
I. Jesus Delivered a Parable (vs. 41-42).
This parable is about two debtors:
A. Their DEBT (v.41). Sin pictured as a debt that is owed.
1. They were both in debt to the same person—God.
2. They had different amounts of debt—SIN.
B. Their DISABILITY (v. 42). They were the same in their inability pay —They had NOTHING to pay.
C. Their DELIVERANCE (v.42).