Friends Forever

Friends Forever

One of the highlights of my ministry during the past 44 years was working on staff with Brian Bennett at Open Door Baptist Church under Pastor Ken Blue (1976-1978).  Brian, Pastor Blue, and I worked together laying block on the lower level of Open Door’s current auditorium.  We also installed the suspended ceiling in that building.  Brian has a knack for working on buildings.  I learned a lot about the building construction from Brian (the kind of stuff they don’t teach you in Bible College!) Thank you, Brian!

For the past week, Barb and I have been “camped out” at Brian and Roberta’s house in Jacksonville, FL.  It has been such a blessing to “reconnect” with these long-time friends.

Al, Brian, Roberta, Barb (today)
Hughes and Bennetts (2005)

One of the added blessings of being here is working with Brian again.  We installed two 70” TV screens in the church auditorium and worked together on one of the rental properties the Bennetts are getting ready to sell.  Barb helps Roberta paint while I “help” Brian hang new doors.  It brought back lots of great memories of working together at Open Door years ago.

Brian really knows his building “tools.” He is one of Home Depot’s best customers!  He has a “tool” for just about any job. The only person I know who may have more tools than Brian is Alex Abing at Bible Baptist in Port Orchard!

Brian leading singing

Brian is also excellent music director leading the choir and congregational singing at West Shores Baptist Church.  He does a great job! Brian has many leadership qualities.

It is great to have Christian friends like Brian and Roberta Bennett.  Although we’ve lived at opposite corners of the United States for the past 35 years, we still remain close friends. I hope you have a few friends like the Bennetts.

We miss all our family and friends at Bible Baptist in Port Orchard, 3,000 miles away. But distance doesn’t lessen our friendships.  As “Uncle Bill Orr” used to say, “Friends Forever.” Amen!  Proverbs 17:17 – “A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.”

I am excited about preaching this Sunday at Brian’s church!   Keep praying for us! We love y’all!

5 Replies to “Friends Forever”

    1. They remember you too! The know Scott and Charity because they attended the same church in Jacksonville. Hope you have a good time in Arizona. Love you.

  1. Looks like ur having a great time ! If a man will have friends he must show himself friendly… YOU are a great friend !

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