Getting Adjusted

Getting Adjusted

“Be not conformed to this world” —Romans 12:2

To adjust something means to change it so that it fits, corresponds, or conforms; adapt; accommodate something else.  We usually think of making an adjustment to make something better like adjusting your diet for health reasons or having a “back adjustment.” But, not all adjustments make us better, especially when it comes to accommodating our walk with God to the philosophies of this world (Col. 2:8; Ex. 23:2; James 4:4).

I fear as our society becomes more and more secularized, Christians succumb to the pressure to adjust their lifestyle to “fit” in with the rest of the world.  As a Christian adjusts his behavior to correspond with the ways of the world, their impact for the Lord Jesus Christ is greatly reduced.  The more we live like Jesus, the more power our witness and testimony will have in the world.  On the other hand, the more worldly we become, the less influence we have upon the unsaved.

Beware of getting “adjusted” to this world.  James 1:27 admonishes us to keep ourselves “unspotted from the world.”  Jesus “gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world” (Gal. 1:4).  So why would you want to be adjusted to what God has delivered you from (2 Pet. 2:20)?

One Reply to “Getting Adjusted”

  1. Way tougher for young people to not conform. I hate this world system….come quickly LORD JESUS. P.S. message on marriage this Sunday was sobering yet dynamic preaching.

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