Getting People to Jesus

Getting People to Jesus

Mark 2:1-12

The healing of the man sick of the palsy (like a stroke— paralyzed — unable to walk) is a picture of an unsaved man paralyzed by sin.

The man was saved because of four men who brought him to Jesus. The same things it took to get this man to Jesus are the same things it takes for us today to people to Jesus.

I. There was a CONSCIOUSNESS of where to find Jesus (vs. 1-2).

If we are going to get people to Jesus, we must know where to  take them.

Where can Jesus be found?
A. In the life of a believer. Can people “see” Christ in you?

B. In the Word… Preaching. What was Jesus doing in the house (v. 2). Get people into the Bible and under the sound of gospel preaching (1 Cor. 1:18, 21).

II. There was COMPASSION for the man’s sad condition (v. 3).

These four men cared about this man’s condition. They were compassionate and cared enough to get this man to Jesus.

Without compassion, these four men would have never brought this man to Christ.

A. Compassion is acting unselfishly on behalf of another. It was a completely selfless act. It was not done for recognition— We don’t even know their names.

B. Jude 22 says compassion makes a difference.

  • Condemnation doesn’t make a difference.
  • Criticism doesn’t make a difference.
  • Complaining doesn’t make a difference.
  • Coldness does not make a difference.

If we are going to get people to Jesus, we must have compassion for their lost condition. They are hell-bound.

III. There was COOPERATION to work together (v. 4). 

PARTIAL sermon:  See PDF for full sermon

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