“…GIVE ME the portion of  goods  that  falleth to me.” — Luke 15:12

We are living in a “gimme… gimme… gimme…” world. People today are more
interested in what they can get that what they can give.

With whatever is given to us also comes responsibility— For unto whomsoever
much is given , of him shall be much required ” (Luke 12:48).

The giant Goliath said, GIVE ME a man, that we may fight to­gether” (1 Sam. 17:10). Goliath was asking for an opportunity to prove himself.
Every thing given to us is an opportunity for us to prove ourselves to God.

Let’s consider the words “Give me” in this positive light.

  1. Give Me Salvation and I Will Rejoice In It. We are to rejoice to
    know our names are written down in heaven (Lk. 10:20). I rejoice every day I’m
    saved by God’s grace. I’m “hell-proof” and heaven is my home. No Christian
    should give a sob story about his life if God has saved him from an eternity in the
    fires of hell.
  2. Give Me a Bible and I Will Proclaim It. There are many people in
    the world who have no Bible. Yet, here in America Bibles are plentiful. Do you
    have a Bible? God did not give you a Bible to keep to yourself. He gave it to you to
    spread. God says, “He that hath my word , let him speak my word faith fully” (Jer.
  3. Give Me A Good Church and I Will Attend It. “Good” Bible-be­
    lieving churches are hard to come by. If there is one in your area you are fortu­
    nate. Don’t forsake it (Heb. 10:25). God will hold you accountable for the oppor­
    tunities He has provided for you to be in church.
  4. Give Me an Opportunity to Serve the Lord and I Will Use It.
    When God gives you an opportunity to witness; to use your talent(s) in a church
    ministry; to be a blessing to someone, you should allow yourself to be used of
  5. Give Me Finances and I will be a Good steward of them. Jacob
    recognized this when vowed to God, “Of ALL that thou shalt GIVE ME I will
    surely give
    the tenth unto thee”
    (Gen. 28:22). We will give account of our
    stewardship (Luke 16:2).

So, when you say, “Give me,” what you are really asking for is the opportunity
to prove your faithfulness to God. What will you do with what is given to you?

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