God Has Your Back!

God Has Your Back!

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life —Psalm 23:6

     God’s goodness and mercy are following me, but why not go before me?  Because there are enemies behind me. The foes of my yesterdays seek to stab me in the back.  Guilt of past mistakes nip at my heels. Regrets of yesterday’s failures dog my steps.
     But, praise God, His goodness and mercy are following me from behind also! No past enemy can break through their defense!  Between me and my guilt and failures is the God who loves me and watches after me. He will not allow my shameful past to divert my walk for Him. He is the Lord of my past as well as my present and my future. Glory!
     Therefore, I will trust and not be afraid(Isa. 12:2).
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2 Replies to “God Has Your Back!”

  1. Many years ago I remember studying Ephesians 6:13-17 which tells us to take the whole armour of God. There is a helmet, sheild, breastplate, “leggings”, “shoes”, shield, and sword that we are to take. All which protect the front of a warrior, but nowhere does it mention anything for your backside. Only a fleeing coward has protection for his rear. But in your devotion today is another reason that we don’t need to protect what is behind us…because God is already there.

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