God Knows Me

God Knows Me

God Knows Me

O LORD, thou has searched me, and known me. Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandeth my thought afar off. Thou composts my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O Lord, thou knowest it altogether—Psalm 139:1-3

The Apostle Peter confessed to Jesus, Lord, thou knowest ALL THINGS” (John 21:17).  Indeed, He does!  God knows the end from the beginning and everything in between!  Nothing ever takes God by surprise! He never says, “Wow! I didn’t expect that to happen!”

For those who live in sin, the truth that God knows everything may be troubling.  But, for the believer who walks with God, it is a comfort to know that God knows ALL THINGS.   He knows my weakness so He can perfect His strength in me.  He knows my cares, so He can sustain me with His grace.  He knows my hurts, so He can comfort me with His Spirit. He knows my sorrow, so He can collect my tears in His bottle.  He knows my needs, so He can supply according to His riches in glory. He knows my fears, so He can assure me with His promises. He knows my sins, so He can convict me to confess them. He knows my failures, so He can pick me up again.  He knows my mistakes, so He can work all things for my good.  He knows my past, so He can lead me to maturity.  He knows my future so He can direct my steps in the way I should go.  He knows who I am so He can make me into who I ought to be!

Praise God!  He knows all about me.  He knows me better than I know myself!  What a comfort that is!

2 Replies to “God Knows Me”

  1. ‘brother’ Hughes: thank you! we are having a series of financial setbacks at the present time, and I had just read phil. 4:19 when your e-mail “God Knows arrived. It has encouraged me. I have shared our financial crisis with no one, other than my wife, and we desire to prove Him trustworthy, to see His meeting our needs etc. Your prayers for us to live by faith in Him and His Word are much appreciated.
    God bless the work He has entrusted to you!
    in Christian Love, Prayers,
    Pastor Paul

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