God’s Hit Man-Jehu

God’s Hit Man-Jehu

Adult Sunday School lesson, not videoed or recorded.


2 Kings 9 (text v. 7)

God needed a special man to avenge the killing of His prophets by Ahab and Jezebel (1 Kings 18:4, 13) and the ruthless murder of Naboth (1 Kings 20:13-23; 21:27-29). So God choose a ruthless man named Jehu as His “hit man.”1 Jehu was absolutely cold hearted. In just two chapters he shoots Joram in the back… kills Ahaziah… tramples Jezebel, beheads seventy men in Jezreel… slays 42 brethren of Ahaziah… killed all the worshippers of Baal in Israel.

I.   The young prophet’s ERRAND (vs. 1-10).

This was a “young man” (v. 4). Young people need to be enlisted in God’s work.

A. The ASSIGNMENT to find (vs. 1-3a).
1. Elisha knew exactly where Jehu could be found (vs. 1-2,5).

2. The message was from the Lord,not Elisha (v. 3).

B. The ADMONITION to flee v. 3b, 10).

Warned not to “stick around” the presence of Jehu (v. 20 cf. Prov. 22:24). “Furiously” (fury) = raging; violent, mad. Jehu drives according to his character—“Fast and Furious” (movie).

C. The ANOINTING to fulfill (vs. 4-10 cf. 1 Kings 19:16).
v. 6—Even though Israel had strayed from the Lord, God had not forsaken them—they were still “the people of the Lord…”

II.  The new king ENTHRONED (vs. 11-13).

A. The CURIOSITY of the servants (vs 10-12a).

God’s servants are often accused of madness (Jesus—Mark 3:20-21, 31-35; John 10:20; Paul—Acts 26:24; 2 Cor. 5:13).

B. The CORONATION of the king (vs. 12-13).

III. Ahab’s house EXTERMINATED (vs. 14-26).

A. The CONSPIRACY / COUP against Joram (vs. 14-20).


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