God’s Love Personified

God’s Love Personified

God’s Love Personified

In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, — 1 John 4:9

In the book Make Your Life Worthwhile, Richard Armstrong relates the story about a man in Wales who sought to win the affection of a certain lady for 42 years before she finally said “Yes.” The couple, both 74, recently became “Mr. and Mrs.” For more than 40 years, the persistent, but rather shy man slipped a weekly love letter under his neighbor’s door. But she continually refused to speak and mend the spat that had parted them many years before. After writing 2,184 love letters without ever getting a spoken or written answer, the single-hearted old man eventually summoned up enough courage to present himself in person. He knocked on the door of the reluctant lady’s house and asked for her hand. To his delight and surprise, she accepted.

Imagine God’s dilemma. Time and time again God has tried to get His message of love through to sinful man with little response. Finally, He wrapped up His message of love and came in the Person of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the love of God incarnate.

What a revelation of God’s love to you and me (Rom. 5:8)!

One Reply to “God’s Love Personified”

  1. Preacher,

    Several years ago I had thought about two periods in the history of man as being very unique times when today’s story would have been not so unusual. Those two periods of time are the days just after the fall and the Millenium. Be forwarned this is not serious.

    So suppose you lived in either of these times and you met a lady that you liked. You could court her for say 100 years before deciding if she were truly the one. I think that long courtships may reduce the divorce rate but I am being somewhat facetious here. Anyway.

    Karen and I could not be at the mission conference last night. One of Karen’s charges was in crisis and we had to personally intervene. situation is not resolved at this time, please pray for Ron Hansen.

    God Bless you richly and frequently.

    II Corinthians 9:8-Dewey

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