God’s Prescription for Happiness

God’s Prescription for Happiness

God’s Prescription for Happiness

“He that keepeth the law, happy is he.” —Proverbs 29:18

Several years ago Ted Turner, the founder of CNN, said the Ten Commandments were written to take the fun out of life.  God did not give us the Ten Commandments to hinder our joy or make us miserable. On the contrary, God gave us the Ten Commandments because they show us how to be truly happy.  They are a prescription for happiness.

Revelation 22:14 says, Blessed are they that do his commandments.” The word “blessed” means “happy” (see Gen. 30:13).  The Ten Commandments could be stated in the form of beatitudes:

  1. Blessed is the man who puts God first in his life.
  2. Blessed is the man who worships no graven image.
  3. Blessed is the man who hallows God’s name.
  4. Blessed is the man who rests on the sabbath day.
  5. Blessed is the man who honors his parents.
  6. Blessed is the man who holds human life sacred.
  7. Blessed is the man who doesn’t commit adultery.
  8. Blessed is the man who respects the property of others.
  9. Blessed is the man who always speaks the truth.
  10. Blessed is the man who is content with whatever God gives him (or withholds from him).

The Ten Commandments cover virtually every part of our lives, and if observed, they will truly make our lives happier than if we break them.

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