

“Ye have wearied the LORD with your words. Yet ye say, Wherein have we wearied him? When ye say, Every one that doeth evil is good —Malachi 2:17

I recently heard a parent commending her child as being a “good kid.” I wondered to myself, “according to whose standard,” because I knew her “little darling” wasn’t really as “good” as she thought he was.

Standards are measurements by which we judge or identify something. For example, a flag is a standard that identifies a country.  Each tribe of the children of Israel encamped by their “standard” whereby their could be identified (Num. 1:52).

That got me thinking about the various standards of judgment people use to determine what they call “good.”

“Well, I’m a pretty good Christian.” Oh yeah? According to whose standard—Your’s or God’s?

“I’m a good parent.” Or, “I’m a good husband/wife.” According to whose standard—The world’s or the Bible?

I fear we have a lot of people in America today calling things good when, according to God, they are really bad! For example, many people heralded last week’s Supreme Court decision to legalize homosexual marriages as a “good” thing. NO! It is a evil thing!  Isaiah warned, “Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil: that put darkness for light and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter… Which justify the wicked for reward.” (Isa. 5:20).

People who call evil good, and good evil, have a faulty standard of judgment. The prophet Micah prophesied of this, “Is it not for you to know judgment? Who hate the good and love the evil.” (Micah 3:1-2)

So, next time before you call something “good,” make sure you are going by God’s standard—The Bible, and not your own opinion.

3 Replies to “Good???”

  1. Preacher,

    Some time ago I read a rather lengthy article, the facts taken from the pages of history. This article identified “markers” from every great civilization that flourished and then declined to the point where no national identity could be found. These once great civilizations died ugly deaths. It was interesting to me that one of the “markers” dealt with a nation’s acceptance of an “alternative” to God’s norm of one man and one woman. Over and over nations that have officially recognized and accepted homosexuality have not prospered. I very much would like to see a Supreme Court that was more interested in learning from history than Making it.

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