“Good & Plenty”

“Good & Plenty”

“Good and Plenty”

For thou, Lord, art GOOD, and ready to forgive; and PLENTEOUS in mercy unto all them that call upon thee. —Psalms 86:5

Growing up as a kid I enjoyed munching on a box of candy called “Good and Plenty.”  It has been so long, I can’t remember the last time I tasted one of those little pink and white sugar coated morsels of licorice.  I don’t even know if they still make them.

But I am still tasting that God is GOOD (Ps. 34:8) and has PLENTY of mercy to go around.  God is more ready to forgive than we are often ready to confess our need of forgiveness. But, no matter how many times we call on God to forgive our sins, He never runs out of mercy! His mercies are new every morning. His compassions fail not.  He is the “Good and Plenty” God!

John Greenleaf Whittier wrote in his poem about God’s goodness:

I see the wrong that round me lies,

I feel the guilt within;

I hear, with groan and travail… cries,

The world confess its sin.

Yet, in maddening maze of things,

And tossed by storm and flood,

To one fixed trust my spirit clings:

I know that God is good!



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