Have Ye Not Read?

Have Ye Not Read?

Partial outline: Full PDF HERE



Matthew 12:3, 5 (and others).

We came across this question before when dealing with Jesus’ teaching on marriage and the Sabbath. Jesus asked this question several times.

“Have ye not read what David did…” (Mt. 12:3 cf. 1 Sam. 21).

“Or have ye not read in the law…” (Mt. 12:5 cf. Num. 28).
“Have ye not read, that he which made them…” (Mt. 19:4 cf. Gen. 1).

“Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes…” (Mt. 21:16 •cf. Ps. 8:2).

“…as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read…” (Mt. 22:31-32 cf. Ex. 3:6).

“And have ye not read this scripture; The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner.” (Mk. 12:10 cf. Ps. 118).

There is a hint of surprise in Christ’s question—“Have YE NOT READ???”— Come on! You should know these things if you read Genesis, Samuel, Exodus, Psalms, Numbers! Each time Jesus asked, “Have ye not read?” He was addressing religious leaders! If anyone should have been reading the Scriptures, it should have been them!

Jesus held people accountable for reading and knowing the Scriptures.

During Christ’s earthly ministry He quoted from 24 different Old Testament books. Jesus knew the power of God’s written Word. As Jesus said, “Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.” (Mt. 22:29). Hosea 4:6—“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”

One recent Gallup poll indicated 89% of people in the U.S. will not read the Bible today. That means only one out of every 10 people, will pick up a Bible to read it today. 22% of people in America have NEVER READ THE BIBLE. Barna Research estimates there are 4.7 Bibles per household in American (2014). The Bible may be a “best-seller” but it isn’t a “best-reader.” Gallup concluded, “People revere the Bible, but they don’t read it.”

100 years ago, America was a nation of Bible readers. Today it is a nation of Bible “revisers.” Now we have… HD TV’s… DVD’s… computers… iPads… the internet… RV’s… smart phones AND Pokémon Go!

We have modern “conveniences” that are supposed to save us time, but we have less time to read the Bible.

The American patriot Patrick Henry, near the end of his life said: “Here is a Book, the Bible, worth more than all others that were ever printed; yet it is my misfortune never to have found time to read it.” So sad!


A. Some say it’s DULL—Some say it’s boring. Within the first 7 chapters: Murder… A rapture… Invaders from outer space who co-habitate with women producing giant hybrids… World-wide flood!

World wide flood is dull? A local flood gets prime media coverage. Noah’s ark is not boring!

Warfare—Wars are in the news almost daily, but nothing compares to the wars fought in Joshua, Samuel, and Kings.

Intrigue—People enjoy mysteries and suspense. The story of Joseph and Esther is full of suspense and intrigue.

Adventure—The excitement in Judges, 1&2 Samuel, 1&2 Kings makes Indiana Jones appear humdrum and mundane.

Sci-fi / Disaster movies / Scary — Star Wars doesn’t compare with the Book of Revelation. It is one of the most frightening and “scary” books ever written. [Demon locusts from Hell… rivers of blood… massive earthquakes… 100 lb. hailstones.]

B. Some say it’s DIFFICULT — Some say it’s hard to understand.

1. Perhaps it is because you are not saved (1 Cor. 2:14).

2. The fact that there is much in the Bible that is not understood is proof that a man didn’t write it.

3. God’s Word goes contrary to human logic. The way up is down (Mt. 23:12). The way to get is to give (Luke 6:38). To die is gain (Phil. 1:21). The way to save your life is to lose it (Mk. 8:35). Weakness is strength (2 Cor. 12:7-10). Love your enemies (Mt. 5:43-44). Do more than is required (Mt. 5:41-42; Luke 17:10).

C. Some say it’s DEMANDING—It is authoritative.

  1. It demands change and people resist change.
  2. It demands obedience and people don’t like to be told what to do.

D. Some say it’s DISTURBING (Acts 24:25; 2 Chron. 34:18-27 cf. Ezra 9:4).

1. It disturbs man’s conscience—It is convicting.

The Bible knows all about you and tells it (Heb. 4:12; James 1:23-24).

A Christian who smokes is convicted by 1 Cor. 3:16-17.

A Christian who is worldly is disturbed by James 4:4

A Christian who is unfaithful attending church is bothered by Hebrews 10:25.

  1. It disturbs people’s routine and their way of doing things.
  2. It disturbs people’s thoughts. It makes people think about things they don’t want to think about—Eternity… death… judgment.
  3. It disturbs people’s pride and self-esteem (Isa. 66:4; Ps. 39:5; Luke 16:15).

F. Some say it’s DIVISIVE— As a sword, the Bible divides truth from error. It causes people to take sides. That is why some liberal ministers say we must discard Bible doctrine in order to have unity. To some unity is more important than truth. Doctrine is divisive. While that is true, doctrine also unites.

E. Some say it’s DISRESPECTFUL in it’s language. The Bible says hard things that is offensive to some people (John 6:60-61, 66).

Calls an atheist a FOOL (Ps. 14:1)

Calls an unsaved woman a PIG (2 Pet. 2:22).

Calls unruly and vain talkers “evil beasts” and “slow bellies” (Titus 1:10-12).

Calls certain religious leaders SNAKES (Mt. 3:7; 23:33).

That is what some Christians had against Paul—His uncouth language (2 Cor. 10:10; 11:6).


Partial outline: Full PDF HERE

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