He Knows Your Name

He Knows Your Name

He Knows Your Name

The sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name. —John 10:3

Names are important. We give names to our children, our pets, our church, our place of business, etc.  My wife has even given a name to her car. It’s a Mazda and she named it “Molly.”

Why do we do that? Because names have an endearing quality.

God knows your name. In fact, if you are a Christian, God has given you a new name (Rev. 3:12). Your name is recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

You are not just a number to God. You are someone He loves and cares about.  When we really care about someone, we learn their name.  Don’t say you care about a person if you’ve haven’t made a conscious effort to know them by their name.  When we call a person by their name, it says to them that we care about them. We should never address people we care about as, “Hey, you.”

Someone has said, “Never give a name to the pig you intend to eat.”  Since God has given you a name, He has no intention to destroy you. He cares about you as an individual soul with a name.

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