He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all…” —Romans 8:323 crosses on a hill

The well-known slogan of Hallmark Cards is, “When You Care Enough To Send The Very Best.”  God sent more than a greeting card when He gave us His own dear Son to die for our sins.  Even when we were sinners, God gave us His best (Rom. 5:8).  God held nothing anything back when He spared not his own Son.”

Even though God knew beforehand what this wicked world would do to His Son, He spared not.”  It would be as if you would take your own child and cast him into a pit of rattlesnakes. You wouldn’t think of doing such a thing.  Yet, this is exactly what God the Father did when he sent His Son into the midst of a “generation of vipers.”

  • God spared not, knowing the lies, betrayal, humiliation, and the mockery His Son would endure.
  • God spared not, knowing the scourging, the spitting, and the smiting that would be inflicted upon His own dear Son.
  • God spared not, knowing the nails that would pierce the sinless hands and feet of His beloved Son upon a cruel cross.

Why did God do it?  Because He loved us and knew this would be the only way to provide a way of salvation for us.

If God spared not giving His best to make a way for us to be saved, how can we withhold anything from Him that would help make salvation available to others who are lost?

Do you care enough to give God your very best?

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