Helping Someone Who is Hurting

Helping Someone Who is Hurting

Romans 12:9-16 state five significant truths for effective counseling for a soul who is hurting.

1.  Be GENUINE (v. 9). People can tell if you are real.

2.  Be DILIGENT (v. 11). Helping hurting people is hard work.

3.  Be ASSERTIVE (v. 13). Those who help people must take the initiative. The reason many do not get the help they need is because everyone is thinking someone else is going to do it.

4.  Be SELFLESS (v. 15). Real helpers are those who give of themselves. F.W. Borham uses this analogy from the game of dominos:

“The highest art in dominos lies in matching your companions pieces. Victory in dominos does not lie in accumulation, but in exhaustion.  The player left with empty hands wins everything. When you’ve played all your dominos, when they are all gone, you’ve won.”

    As in the game of dominos, we match one another’s pieces/emotions—We match their weeping with our weeping. We match their rejoicing with our rejoicing.  When we’ve sacrificed all our pieces to match their pieces, we have won.

5.  Be HUMBLE (v. 16). True helpers and not “class” conscious.  You cannot be proud and help anyone. Proud people are only concerned about themselves.

Reach out to someone who is hurting by applying these five truths.

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