Holy Intentions

Holy Intentions

Whereas it was in thine heart to build an house unto my name, thou didst well that it was in thine heart. —1 Kings 8:18

It was in David’s heart to build a house for God. A worthy dream! Although God did not allow David to build it, God saw David’s intention as a finished project!

A holy aspiration in our heart is viewed by God as something done even if we are not the one who accomplishes it. The will to be something for God, and the will to do something for God, is acceptable to God. For example, “I wish I could be a missionary to a foreign land, but my health won’t allow it.” But God sees that holy desire as though he or she was already serving on that foreign field. A sanctified desire to serve in some capacity, but is hindered by providential circumstances, is as good as done in the mind of God!

I personally believe there are people who are perceived as failures, who will be judged as successes at the Judgment Seat of Christ. “Man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.”

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8 Replies to “Holy Intentions”

  1. ‘brother’ Al: I will place the ‘be something…do something’ sentence in this week’s Bulletin. Although I may not reply often, I appreciate your devotional thoughts. HIS blessings upon you, and the work HE has entrsuted to you. Pastor Paul rural, New Brunswick, Atlantic Canada

  2. Thanks brother
    Have preached the Good news and with all my heart I desire to see souls saved.
    Earnestly prayed
    Alas not much fruit and its got to be my fault. as God is faithful and honors His Word.
    If its by our fruit.my tree is sadly bare to my shame.
    I enjoy encouraging others, but need encouragement in seeing sould saved
    God knows my heart its burdened for souls.
    Help Lord
    May we experience seasons of refreshing please Lord
    Thanks for your devotions brother
    A blessed Christmas to you all

  3. Thank you for today’s devotion, it’s very encouraging and a good defense against the tendency to be self-defeated. Knowing that God sees and accepts what we desire to do for him even when we can’t through no fault of our own is very, very helpful to help us not kick ourselves for what we would do if we could. Thank you again, like Alice, I needed this today.

  4. I needed this today. I had to resign once again from a job that I loved, due to my health issues. It makes me sad that I cannot do the things I love and that I could once do without pain. God knows the desires of my heart and He can still use them for His glory…if it only means that I can pray, then that is what I will do.

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