How Healthy Is Your Soul?

How Healthy Is Your Soul?

How Healthy Is Your Soul?

Art thou in health, my brother?  —2 Samuel 20:9

Joab’s question in our text was a pretext to the murder of Amasa. However, it is a good question when asked with sincerity. So, I ask sincerely ask you concerning your soul, “Art thou in health?”

The Apostle John’s greatest desire for the elder Gaius was, “that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth” (3 John 2).  The health of your soul is more important your physical health.  A sick spirit will lead to sick living.

Here are some indicators of your spiritual health:

1. Your spiritual PULSE. Does it beat strongly and vigorously, indicating a proper circulation? or is it slow, languid, and irregular? Has joy departed? and has zeal ceased to inspire your soul for the discharge of high and holy duties?

2.  Check your TEMPERATURE. Does the thermometer of God’s Spirit indicate you are only lukewarm spiritually (Rev. 3:15-16). That is a bad sign that your zeal for the Lord has cooled off. You need to “stir up the gift of God, which is in thee” (2 Tim. 1:6).

2.  How’s your spiritual APPETITE? Do your hunger and thirst for righteousness? Are you being “nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine” (1 Tim. 4:6)?  Are you being fed regularly by the preaching and teaching at church? Or, does your spiritual diet consist of mainly sugary, non-nutritious things that only feed the flesh?

3.  Are you getting plenty of EXERCISE (1 Tim. 4:7). How are your spiritual muscles in prayer and service? Are you getting a little flabby spiritually?

4. Your MEMORY.  Are past trials forgotten? Have you ceased to think of God’s many mercies with gratitude?

Again, I ask the question of the text: “Art thou in health, my brother?”  If you honesty admit your answer is no, I recommend you to call on the Great Physician for that balm of Gilead.  Jesus cares… comforts… and cures the ills of our soul.  Wilt thou be made whole? Look to Christ Jesus to do it for you.

One Reply to “How Healthy Is Your Soul?”

  1. Greetings Pastor Hughes,
    Your messages are very helpful and I am inspired by your wisdom and skill to communicate God Word in such a profound yet simple manner, easy for anyone to comprehend.
    May God continue to bless you and your ministry.
    Pastor J. Brown

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