How To Study Your Bible-part 5

How To Study Your Bible-part 5

2 Timothy 2:15— “…rightly dividing the word of truth”  (cf. 2 Tim. 3:15-17)

It is a MISTAKE to believe salvation is the same in every dispensation. Although the WAY of salvation has always been by grace through faith, the APPLICATION of faith has changed throughout the ages.

For a man to be “saved” in any dispensation depended on how he applied his faith. If he believed what God told him to do, he would be saved.

How did men apply their faith to be saved in various dispensations? Most fundamentalists say, “Men were saved in the Old Testament by looking forward to the cross, while we are saved by looking backward to the cross.” Sounds good, BUT, is that what the Bible provably teaches (Acts 17:11). That is the subject of this message.

SEVEN “C’s” OF HISTORY — There are seven periods of history in the Bible. They may be categorized as “Seven ‘C’s’ of Bible History.”

I. CREATION / Innocence (Gen 1-2).

The only thing Adam had to do to have eternal life was to eat of the tree of life (cf. Gen. 3:22-24)

2. CORRUPTION / Conscience (Gen. 3-11). World corrupted by sin.

  1. After Adam sinned (rebellion), God made provision for him by slaying an innocent animal and provided Adam and Eve with “coats of skins” (Gen. 3:7-11, 21 cf. Heb. 9:22). Adam exercised faith in God’s provision by accepting them and putting them on.
  2. This was the beginning of animal sacrifice. Adam’s descendants were found to be following this pattern (Gen. 4:3-7).

PARTIAL SERMON:  see PDF for full sermon

One Reply to “How To Study Your Bible-part 5”

  1. I have been looking for simplified outlines for new disciples on how to study the Bible, rightly divided. I found these posts very helpful.Thank you very much!

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