I Am the Good Shepherd

I Am the Good Shepherd

Partial outline: FULL PDF HERE

John 10:1-19
Of all the “I am” titles of Christ, probably the most endearing is that of Jesus being “the good shepherd.”

Examples of shepherds and sheep are found throughout the O.T.— Abel was the first shepherd (Gen. 4:2). Jacob and all his sons were shepherds (Gen. 3-31; 47:3). Moses was a shepherd (Ex. 2:16-17; Isa. 63:11). God is called a Shepherd in Isaiah 40:10-11. The most outstanding example of a shepherd in the O.T. was David (2 Sam. 5:2; Ps. 78:70).

The life of a shepherd was not easy. This is because sheep are…

Basically dumb animals (none perform in the circus). Sheep have the smallest brain of any mammal that size and walks on four legs.

Prone to wander—“All we like sheep have gone astray.” The shepherd has to constantly watch over them (cf. Mt. 9:36).

Can be stubborn—“we have turned every one to his OWN WAY.”

Defenseless—The shepherd must constantly guard the flock against attacks from wolves and wild animals. He was always vigilant to protect the flock from thieves and robbers.

Sheep cannot clean themselves. They must be cleansed by the shepherd (Song of Solomon 4:2).

Sheep are totally dependent upon the shepherd.

Jesus is called the “Shepherd” in three passages of Scripture:

1. In our text Jesus is the GOOD shepherd who dies to REDEEM the sheep.

2. Heb. 13:20-21 Jesus is the GREAT shepherd who ROSE from the dead.

3. 1 Peter 5:4 Jesus is the CHIEF shepherd who RETURNS for the sheep.

I. The CHARACTER of the Shepherd (10:11).

He is the GOOD shepherd, as opposed to a false shepherd who is a thief (v. 1).

A. He loves His sheep INFINITELY (vs. 11, 15). No one loves you as much as Jesus does. He loved you enough to die for you.

B. He knows His sheep INTIMATELY. No one who knows you better than Jesus, “the good shepherd.”

II. The CARE of the Shepherd (10:12-13).

He cares for them because He has purchased them! They belong to Him.

A. The PATTERN of a Shepherd.

Partial outline: FULL PDF HERE

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