I Am the True Vine

I Am the True Vine

Partial outline: FULL PDF HERE

 John 15:1-8, 16

Jesus and the disciples have left the upper room (John 14:31). He just instituted the Lord’s Supper where He compared His blood to “the fruit of the vine” (Luke 22:18). Now He tells His disciples, “I am the true vine.”

This is an allegory about fruitfulness, NOT salvation. “Fruit” is mentioned 8 times in our text. The theme is not our position in heaven, but our productivity on earth. It is all about bearing fruit and the conditions for bearing fruit.

Four progressive stages in fruit bearing: (1) no fruit (v. 2); (2) fruit (v. 2); (3) more fruit (v. 2); (4) much fruit (v. 8).

It is a mistake to limit spiritual fruit to only souls won to Christ (Rom. 1:13). There are other kinds of spiritual fruit bore by a believer:

•Mt. 3:8 —fruits meet for repentance (cf. Luke 3:8).

•Rom. 15:27-28— Fruit of giving to missions.

•Gal. 5:22-23—Fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23).

•Php 1:11— the fruits of righteousness (cf. 2 Cor. 9:10; Heb. 12:11;

•James 3:18)

•Heb 13:15—Praise and thanksgiving—the fruit of our lips.

I.  The PORTRAYAL of the vine (vs. 1-3).

A. The GENUINENESS Of The True Vine. The emphasis is on the adjective “true.” Jesus is absolutely true! There is nothing false about Him.

B.  The GARDENER Of The True Vine. The word “husbandman” refers to the vine dresser, the gardener who CARES for the vineyard. The Heavenly Father is the Gardener. He planted the Vine on the earth and sustained Him (John 6:57).

II. The PURPOSE of the branches.

A. A PRODUCTIVE purpose (v. 2). A vine serves one purpose— produce fruit. A tree may bear fruit, provide shade,  and produce timber for buildings. But a vine that does not produce fruit is practically worthless.

Partial outline: FULL PDF HERE

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