“I Think Myself Happy!” (Acts 26:1-2)

“I Think Myself Happy!” (Acts 26:1-2)

These are depressing, dangerous, and deadly times. Many are discouraged, fearful, and generally miserable.

I don’t take the coronavirus lightly. It is a nasty virus. It is serious.

But, the days we face were no more serious than what Paul encountered in Acts 26. It wasn’t the happiest of circumstances.

  • Paul is a prisoner of Rome.
  • He is falsely accused.
  • He is brought before King Agrippa.
  • His life was on the line.  It was a stressful situation.

Yet, in this unhappy situation Paul said, I think myself happy…”

During unhappy situations like we face today we need to find a way to MAKE OURSELVES HAPPY.   We cannot allow our environment control our attitude.

Some say they need a change to be happy (change job, spouse, church, etc.) Most of the time that’s all a baby needs to be happy! The change most people need is a change of heart.

Happiness is not something you carry in your hands, but something you carry in your heart—For as he THINKETH in his heart, SO IS HE…” (Prov. 23:7). If a person’s thinking is wrong, their attitude will be wrong.

Happiness is not sought—happiness is thought! The roots of happiness are found deep within the soil of a healthy thought life.

Happiness is a by-product of happy thinking. How you think will determine how happy you will be. Philippians 4:8—Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

True happiness does not depend on how life treats you, but how you think about life. It’s not your position in life that makes you happy, but your disposition! You create your own happiness.

Happiness is an attitude.  Jesus said in John 16:33, “In the world ye shall have tribulation[cancer, Covid-19, wars]: BUT be of good CHEER; I have overcome the world.” Happiness is a matter of attitude that is independent of our circumstances.

I realize there is a cross to bear when I follow the Lord (Luke 9:23). A cross is heavy— a burden to bear. A cross is an instrument of death. But, we must not whine about our cross. We can bear our cross without moaning and groaning about it. [Have you ever heard some Christians “boo-hoo” about the cross they bear?] We can rejoice in the sunshine and we can rejoice in the rain. God sends both!

How could Paul think himself happy in this difficult circumstance?

First, he RECOUNTED his manner of life before He knew the Lord (v. 14). Before Paul met the Lord he was kicking against the pricks! OUCH!

Second, he REJOICED in the mercy he received from the Lord (v. 15). Praise God, Paul finally met the Lord on the road to Damacus. One thing that will help you get out of the mulligrubs is remember the happy day you met Jesus! [Think about that right now! See, it made you happy.]

We sing, “Happy Day, happy day, When Jesus washed my sins away! He taught me how to watch and pray, And live rejoicing every day; Happy Day, Happy Day!”

Third, he REMEMBERED the mission he received from the Lord (v. 16). During difficult days like we encounter today, we need to remember God has a purpose for our life. How we live is a testimony to others.

Remember, happiness is a CHOICE! Abraham Lincoln once said, “Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.” How true. You are as happy as you want to be. So, if you want to miserable, go ahead and be miserable. That’s your choice.

For myself, I refuse to let the coronavirus (or any other malady) dictate how I think. If I catch the Covid-19 virus, by God’s grace, I’m still gonna “think myself happy!” God is still alive and well. He is my God… He loves me… He will HELP me… Therefore, I will put my HOPE in Him.

    “Happiness is the Lord.” Amen! It truly is!  Psalm 146:5— “Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help…”




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3 Replies to ““I Think Myself Happy!” (Acts 26:1-2)”

  1. Well pastor I’ve been happy ever since I was saved, But now I’m somewhat lugubrious, since the rapture has already occurred. As you know all the toilet paper has disappeared from stores, because “The Rolls were called up yonder”; proving the rapture has happened.

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