I Will Carry You

I Will Carry You

I Will Carry You

I will carry, and will deliver you. —Isaiah 46:4

In Isaiah 46, Isaiah contrasts the false gods, Baal and Nebo, with the true God.  When Cyrus comes into Babylon, they take their gods of stone and iron and load them on donkeys. They are so heavy the donkeys have a hard time carrying them. They are so heavy the donkeys can’t outrun the enemy.  The enemy catches up with them and captures their gods.  But God tells Israel that He has carried them from when they were in the womb. He goes on to assure them, And even to your old age I am he; and even to hoar hairs will I carry you(v. 4).

The difference between false gods and true God—False gods can only go as far as you can go.  You have to carry them.  But the true God carries us.  When you don’t have the strength to move, it’s all right.  Sometimes that’s the best place you can be for God to demonstrate His power and faithfulness—God teaching you to trust Him to carry you when you can’t carry the burden yourself.

One Reply to “I Will Carry You”

  1. Pastor Al,

    Excerpt from your devotion is worthy as a quote:

    The difference between false gods and true God—False gods can only go as far as you can go. You have to carry them. But the true God carries us!

    Excellent Devotion!. Thanks. Bro. Phil

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