If Jesus Was on Facebook

If Jesus Was on Facebook

Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. —John 15:14

If Jesus was on earth today, would He be on Facebook.com? Facebook is a social networking web-site. It was originally developed as a way for college students to “connect” with each other online. Today it is available to anyone and has about 500 million users with their own individual page.

A Facebook user’s page will have a personal profile, photos, and posts of current information that can be viewed by “friends.” To “friend” a person means opening the door to communication and information about who you are, where you go, and what you do. Facebook friendships are “by invitation only.” I occasionally get e-mail invitations to be someone’s friend on Facebook.

Although I am personally not on Facebook, my wife is and enjoys this media to stay in touch with her friends. She invites friends to “follow her” activities by the information she posts.

Friendships must be based on trust, unselfishness, and singleness of purpose. Jesus has something better than a page on Facebook. He wants to be more than a cyberspace friend. Christ has taken the initiative by giving His life for us and opening the door for us to be His friend. Will you accept His invitation to join Him as His friend and follow Him?

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