God… hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son…” —Hebrews 1:1-2

As we think about the incarnation of Christ during this Christmas season, consider that by God taking upon Himself the body of flesh in Christ, He speaks my language. He entered into my troubled world and expressed Himself in words that fit my environment—A carpenter’s shop… a traveller by a well… bread to feed the hungry… the death of a loved one… a boat in a storm—All these surroundings provided Him the means to speak to my own experiences in life.

He came in the flesh to be touched by the infirmities of my flesh. He took the form of a servant, to show me how I should serve. He became obedient as my example of obedience. He suffered that I might follow His steps. He came as the Son to make me a son!

Listen to the speech of the incarnation! He is the Word made flesh (John 1:14).

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