Inspiration of Greatness

Inspiration of Greatness

“He that walketh with wise men shall be wise.” —Proverbs 13:20

The other day I was watching a video of a world famous guitarist performing with a back-up band consisting of three unknown artists. Known for his perfectionism, he is recognized as one of the greatest guitarists alive today. His fingers certainly know their way around the frets and strings of his guitar. But I was most impressed by the “no-name” accompanists who played with him. It seemed that his greatness inspired his band-mates to excel also. His abilities brought out the best in their abilities. His great playing made them play better.

Greatness begats greatness. Singing with a great singer will inspire you want to sing better. When I run a 5K my fellow runners motivate me to run faster than when I run alone.

Likewise, mediocrity begats mediocrity. If your close companions settle for less than their best, you probably won’t excel either.

Bottom line: If you want to excel for God’s glory make every effort to be in the company of the best people you can find in their particular field.

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