Is The Bible The Word Of God (Part 5)

Is The Bible The Word Of God (Part 5)

We have concluded so far in the first four articles that a perfect God
necessitates a perfect Bible. A Bible that only contains the Word of God is an
imperfect Bible. At best it is a mixture of man’s words mingled with God’s Word.
While most Christians would agree that the Bible was perfect in it’s original
form, problems set in as copies were made from the original. Some “scholars”
claim scribal errors slipped in. Or, there were copyists who purposefully
altered the Bible. While these things may be true to a certain extent, the real
issue is—Do we have any guarantee that God would keep His Word pure down through
the ages? Consider…
• Would a perfect God inspire a perfect Bible and then fail to keep it perfect?
Why would He go to the trouble of providing a perfect Bible only to lose it? Is
God so weak that He could not keep His Word pure from error? If God cannot keep
His own word, what guarantee do you have that He can keep your soul?
• If God inspired a perfect Bible, isn’t it reasonable to believe that He would
preserve it? “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a
furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt
preserve them from this generation for ever”
(Ps. 12:6-7). Jesus said,
“Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away”
(Mt. 24:35). If His words didn’t pass away, where are they? There has to be a
perfect volume somewhere. Jesus said, “If a man love me, he will keep my
(John 14:23). How can I keep His words if He hasn’t preserved
them for me?
Paul wrote to Timothy, “From a child thou has know the holy scriptures…
All scripture is given by inspiration of God”
(1 Tim. 3:15-16). Did
Timothy have the original Old Testament manuscripts? Of course not. Yet, Paul
said Timothy was in possession of “the holy scriptures,” and that
scripture is given by inspiration. Therefore, we must conclude that inspiration
extended beyond the originals to faithful copies made from the originals.
The accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty. I contend that the King
James Bible is without proven error. I have read it from cover to cover numerous
times and I’ve never found a single error or contradiction. While I admit there
may be “apparent discrepancies,” or “problem texts,” these can all be
satisfactory explained to any reasonable person who desires to know the truth.
The burden of proof is on the one accusing the KJV of containing errors. Until
it is proven to contain mistakes, it stands as the world’s only PERFECT book
(Ps. 19:7).

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