Is the Bible the Word of God? – Part 9

Is the Bible the Word of God? – Part 9


The Bible is about 30% prophecy. This separates the Bible from the Koran, the Hindu Vedas, the Bhagavad-Gita, the sayings of Buddha and Confucius. Only the Bible dares to foretell future events, and it never misses (unlike Jeanne Dixon or Nostradamus). Others try to predict future events, but they given in such a vague manner their fulfillment could fit almost anything. Bible prophecy however is much more specific.

For example, Daniel 9:24-27 predicted to the very day when Jesus would present Himself in Jerusalem to be hailed as the Messiah (celebrated today as Palm Sunday) . Show me just one example of a prophecy that predicted the coming of Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna, or any other founder of a religion. The only Book that predicted the coming of the Founder of the religion it promotes is the Bible. There are over 100 prophecies concerning Christ’s first advent that were literally fulfilled about 2,000 years ago.

Consider the Law of Compound Probabilities applied to the evidence of prophecy in the Bible. This law simply states that every detail added to a prediction doubles the odds of it happening. For example, if I predict there will be an earthquake in Seattle in 2004, there is one chance in two that it would happen—Either it will or it won’t. If I say that it will happen in the evening, the chance has decreased to one in four. If I add another specific (it will happen on a Monday), the odds double again to one chance in eight, etc.

There were twenty-five specific predictions given in the Old Testament about the betrayal, trial, death, and burial of Christ. These were written from about one thousand to five hundred years before they were all literally fulfilled in a single twenty-four hour period. What would be the odds of this happening? Applying the Simple Law of Compound Probabilities to these 25 details regarding Christ, there was only one chance in 33,554,432 that they would all be fulfilled as prophesied. Yet they were! How do you explain it? Someone who knew the end from the beginning was directing what the prophets wrote (see Isa. 46:10; 2 Pet. 1:20-21).

That Someone was God.

Don’t bet against the Bible… You will surely lose. Just as the prophecies about Christ’s first coming were literally fulfilled, so will the prophecies of Christ’s second coming.

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