JAIRUS–A Great Dad

JAIRUS–A Great Dad

Luke 8:41-56

Father’s Day normally emphasizes the Father/Son relationship… and rightly so— It is important for fathers to set a good example for their sons to become godly men. I read this week that one optometrist said, “Eighty percent of everything children learn in their first 12 years is through their eyes.” I began thinking of all children visually process through reading, television, movies, events, surroundings, and observing the behavior of others, especially in their families. You cannot underestimate to powerful influence of a father upon his children.

In this message I want to emphasize a father’s love for his daughter… his only daughter. The father I’m preaching on is Jairus. His story is told in Matthew 9:18-26; Mark 5:22-43, and our text—READ Luke 8:41-56.

Jairus is an example of a great father. He did the greatest things a father could do: Worshipped Christ… Prayed for his child… Waited on the Lord… Believed Christ’s Word… Received Jesus into his home.

Notice, three things about this great dad

I.   He had a real CONCERN for his child (vs. 41-42).

As I speak with parents, it seems one of their greatest concerns is their children or grandchildren. It may be a burden for a wayward child or the spiritual growth of a child or grandchild.

Jairus’ concern for his daughter was demonstrated by his actions.


  1. Being a ruler in the synagogue he had many responsibilities — Look after the building, its contents, and make arrangements for worship. He was a very busy man—But not too busy to be a Dad to his only daughter.
  2. We had a lot about deadbeat dads and abusive fathers. BUT the greatest abuse committed by a father is to fail to lead his family spiritually.

B. His PRIORITY— His daughter’s well-being.

We need fathers who are more concerned about the well-being and success of their children than their own personal success. What are you doing to ensure your child will be a successful, especially in living for God?

II. He had a reverent CONFIDENCE in Christ.

A.  Seen in his HIGH RISK.

    1. Being a high-ranking religious leader in the synagogue, he was one of the most prominent men in the city. He was appointed by the Jewish elders who opposed to Christ’s ministry. By coming to Jesus, Jairus put his position on the line and ran the risk of his losing friends.


Partial Sermon:  CLICK HERE for full Sermon PDF

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