
For jealousy is the rage of a man: therefore he will not spare in the day of vengeance. —Proverbs 6:34

Craig Edwards is a preacher friend of mine.  He recently made these observations about jealousy:

When you see a man, attacking another person, the reason is as old as man himself. Cain did not attack Abel until God blessed him. Saul did not attack David until God blessed him. Joseph’s brothers did not attack him until God blessed him. Laban’s sons did not attack Jacob until God blessed him. It was true back then, it is still true today. If you have watched football, you know that everyone tries to bring down the man carrying the ball.

     King Saul was jealous when the Jewish ladies praised David’s victory over Goliath.  As someone has said, “The way to make someone jealous is to do more… be more… and have more.”

The cure for jealousy is to rejoice in another’s success and accomplishments. “Rejoice with them that do rejoice” (Rom. 12:15).

One Reply to “JEALOUSY”

  1. Going to a new church after 12 years. This devotion is so true. We are helping another church grow through starting a Sun School and planning a few fellowship outings. Some people just don’t want church growth. They like things to stay the same. So we need prayer that we will follow God’s lead….We do not want any jealousy in trying to do God’s will.. Sometimes seniors can be stinkers…praying for you all.

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