Jesus’ Commendation of a Good Work

Jesus’ Commendation of a Good Work

Matthews 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9; John 12:1-8

Jesus is making His final approach to Calvary. He arrives at Bethany a few days before He will be crucified. Bethany was two miles from Jerusalem. Jesus visited Bethany six times. Bethany appears to be one of Christ’s favorite places to visit (not Nazareth… Jerusalem).

In our text Jesus is at the house of Simon the leper with Lazarus, Martha, and Mary. It is a picture of the three-fold ministry of a local church:

  1. Lazarus pictures the church bearing WITNESS to new life in Christ. Although Lazarus never speaks a word, he is a bold witness of the power of Christ. You witness two ways: (1) By what you say, and most importantly, (2) By what you are. Every church needs Lazarus’.
  2. Martha pictures the church busy WORKING for Christ. While we are not saved by good works, we are saved unto good works. God has given us a work to do. Every church needs Martha’s.
  3. Mary pictures the church bestowing WORSHIP upon Christ. Worship is manifested in bowing at Jesus’ feet… giving an offering to Jesus… and working for Jesus (Mk. 14:6— “a good work ON ME”). Every church needs Mary’s.

What is “a good work?” Anything done in love for Christ’s sake is a good work. Anything we do that is not done out of love for Jesus does not deserve the title of a good work.

I.   A good work for Christ will be COSTLY.

 A.  The POURING of the ointment.
    • Jesus and His disciples are reclining around the table having supper with Lazarus while Martha is serving.
    • Mary approaches Jesus from behind with a container of a very costly ointment of spikenard.
    • Mary puts some of the ointment on Jesus’ feet. She looks at Jesus and tears swell up in her eyes and thinks, “He is worthy of the whole box!” And she pours the entire contents upon Jesus’ head.

B.  The PRICE of the ointment (John 12:5—300 pence).
1. She gave the equivalent of one year’s wages. She didn’t care about the cost!

True worship doesn’t count the cost. Jesus is worth it! Mary gave her BEST—Not something left over, broken, or out of style.

2. This expensive ointment was often part of a woman’s dowery. If so, this offering would possibly sacrifice Mary’s future relationship as a wife or mother.

II.  A good work for Christ will be CONSPICUOUS.

 A. EXHIBITED—Real devotion to God cannot be hid. The whole house was filled with the aroma of the ointment. Everyone noticed.

B.  UNINHIBITED— I’ve heard some preachers say: “We don’t have worship services—We have preaching services.” NO! This service is not about a preacher! It is not about sermonizing! No, sir! I came this morning because I want to worship the Lord and have Him touch my heart! And when He does, I’m just liable to get emotionally expressive about it!




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