Jesus Confounds His Critics

Jesus Confounds His Critics

Matthew 22:15-46

Jesus was asked 113 questions in the four Gospels and He answered every one. Many of these questions were not asked by people seeking information. In our text, three questions were asked in an attempt to “entangle” [trap] Jesus in His talk (v. 15; cf. Luke 20:20).

You can be assured there are “spies” sitting in church pews today who are looking for an opportunity to discredit the pastor.

I’ve received phone calls from people who wanted to ask me a some theological question. After speaking with them for a few minutes I realized they were not seeking an answer, but just wanted to argue and promote their own doctrinal views.

Notice how Christ’s critics first “butter” Him up with flattery before asking their “hypocritical” questions (v. 16). If they really believed Jesus taught “the way of God in truth,” they would not be trying to trick Jesus into saying something they could accuse Him with. They were hypocrites (v. 18). I’ve seen this same approach in the ministry: “Pastor, you are a good preacher, but...”

I. The Herodian’s question involving an IMAGE. (vs. 17-21).

The Herodians were a religious/political group loyal to the Roman government. Therefore, they favored paying taxes to Rome.

The Herodians sought to put Christ on “the horns of a dilemma” with an incriminating question about paying taxes.

It was a “loaded” question—If Christ opposed paying taxes to Rome, then He could be arrested for spreading sedition. But, if He approved of paying taxes to Caesar, the common people would turn against Him.

A.    Christ’s PERCEPTION of wickedness (v. 18).

Jesus reads the heart before He listens to the tongue.

Jesus could see right though their false piety to their hypocrisy. No one is going to pull the wool over Jesus’ eyes. “Be not deceived, God is not mocked.”

B.  Confirming the PROPRIETY of government.

  1. Christ’s answer shows civil government is ordained by God (Rom. 13:1-7; 1 Pet. 2:13-18; Dan. 2:21; 4:17, 25, 32; Ps. 75:6-7).
  2. Christians should obey the law and honor their leaders when they do not conflict with God’s Word.
  3. Jesus not only approved of paying taxes, He paid them Himself (cf. Mt. 17:25-27).C.  Issue of PROPERTY ownership.
    1. Who does the money belong to?
    2. Just as Roman coins bore the image of Caesar, God stamped His image on man (Gen. 1:26-27). Sin marred that image (Gen. 5:1-3). Christ came to restore God image through the new birth (Col. 3:10). Christian, YOU BELONG TO GOD!

II.   The Sadducee’s question exposing their IGNORANCE (vs. 22-33).

The Sadducee’s were skeptics (Acts 23:8). Like the secular humanists of today, they rejected anything supernatural and denied the resurrection of the dead.

A. The PURPOSE of their question.

  1. The Sadducees were simply posing a hypothetical question based on the OT law that a man marry his brother’s widow to perpetuate the family (cf. Gen. 38:8; Dt. 25:5-10).
  2. They hoped their question would show belief in the resurrection did not make sense. They wanted to make Jesus look stupid. It backfired—Instead, Jesus made them look stupid (v. 46).
  3. The scenario they proposed was ludicrous—What are the odds of a woman marrying seven different men without having a baby??? [Maybe in Hollywood!] That is the kind of stupid questions skeptics come up with when they don’t believe the Bible! (“Can God make a rock so big He cannot lift it?” — Can you give me a good reason why He should?)

B. The PROBLEM of their error—IGNORANCE.

1. They are ignorant of God’s Word and God’s power. As always, the answer is found in the Scriptures! Notice Jesus rebuke—“HAVE YE NOT READ…” (v. 31)! Ignorance of the Bible is at the bottom of all false teachings.

Example: Evolution.

A lack of knowing the Scriptures always leads to unbelief in God’s power to resurrect the dead. What kind of God did the Sadducees believe in??? A God powerful enough to create man out of dust and give him life can certainly has power raise him from the dust after death!

Partial Sermon: CLICK here for Full PDF

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